What is a consultation?

It’s a chance to discuss your specific problem with a professional genealogist, one who can look at your problem family with a fresh set of eyes. It can help you get started if you are just getting started with your research or continue if you’ve reached a point where you do not know what to do. It’s like having a problem-solving class devoted to your family. We’ll look at see if there any additional clues or leads in the records you have already located and discuss what the next steps are in your genealogy journey on your family of interest. It’s also a time for you to ask specific questions about the materials you have found.

People—problem will revolve around one ancestor, a couple, or a couple and their children.

Places—problem will be US based, including people who were immigrants to the United States.

Time period—problem will focus on individuals born before 1900.

Consultee will submit documents on ancestor in an electronic format as either an email attachment or via Dropbox. Submission should be no more than fifteen pages of records and one additional page of questions about those records.  Submission should include materials located and materials searched negatively. Submission should include research goal.

Fee is $140. Michael will review materials submitted and schedule a Zoom meeting for a discussion of the problem. Consultees are encouraged to have a list of questions

About Michael

  • Michael has nearly forty years of research experience in courthouses, libraries, archives, and online.
  • Michael has led research trips to the FamilySearch Library and the Allen County Public Library where he helped participants on a regular basis.
  • Michael has worked on families in a variety of areas in the United States—including rural and urban areas.
  • Michael can help you evaluate and interpret sources for perceived reliability.
  • Michael can help you create a to-do list based on your problem—including materials to access and skills and methodologies that could be helpful generally.
  • Michael will let you ask questions as a part of the consultation process.

What you’ll get:

  • Michael’s notes (typed) on your problem that were used in preparation for the Zoom meeting—including a section of where to go next.
  • The Zoom meeting with Michael.
  • AI-generated transcription of Zoom meeting.

Zoom meetings are scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time based on the schedule of Michael and the consultee.

Register for a consultation today.