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90 Responses

  1. Edith Lorah says:


  2. Mary Giroux says:

    Keep genealogy tips coming helpful

    • mjnrootdig says:

      Thanks for the support! And feel free to let others know about Genealogy Tip of the Day. We do appreciate it.

  3. Diane Shada says:

    Info you send is great. Keep it coming.

  4. Diane Scannell says:

    Love your tips and share them regularly with my study group. I think (hope) several of them are also subscribers. (grin) Hope this move works well for you. Best wishes.

  5. Dave Robison says:

    I can’t tell you how many of the old-style blogs I deleted without reading them. This, I think, I’ll pay more attention to. Looks great!

  6. Thomas Vilfroy says:


    After I clicked the link to confirm my subscription, the site says the following:

    Subscription Confirmation
    No such email address is registered.

    So which statement is not correct??

  7. Kathi Cabradilla says:

    I enjoy reading your daily hints.

  8. Madlyn Simkulet says:

    Keep the very useful tips coming our way…..great job!!!

  9. Judith Gantenbein-Floyd says:

    The tips are very helpful if not thought provoking. Thank you.

  10. Lynda Solter says:

    I have the same problem as Thomas – I have tried twice.

    • mjnrootdig says:


      You are on the list that I can see. If you don’t get the tips that go out on Monday and Tuesday, just let me know. I’m not certain what the problem is.

      • Lynda Solter says:

        Thank you! Love your tips – It’s usually the first thing I look for each day!!

      • Dee Sager says:

        Hi Michael,

        I just signed up to continue your tips and it went through the first time and gave me a
        “Subscription Confirmation You have successfully subscribed!” with no problems. All I did was click on the web address to confirm the subscription.


  11. Jeanne C. Brookman says:

    I tried again. The page still says “No such email address is registered. ” I have done this numerous times. We seem to have a problem. I have subscribed for several years. Should I start over and register as a new subscriber?

    • mjnrootdig says:

      You are on the list that I can see. If you don’t get the tips that go out on Monday and Tuesday, just let me know. I’m not certain what the problem is.

  12. Gladys warr says:

    Keep um coming! Thanks

  13. Jean says:

    Looking forward to passing on the new/old posts to our group, encouraging them to subscribe.

  14. Kathleen McIntyre says:


  15. Leanne Martin says:

    Thank you for all your tips. They have helped me look at my research in new and different ways!

  16. Ralph says:

    Keep the good message tips coming.

  17. says:

    I have signed up for the tip of the day and am still not receiving it. I do get your regular email weekly. And no it is not in spam.

    • mjnrootdig says:

      I’m showing your email as subscribed. If you’re not getting the tips once a day….let me know.

  18. Terri says:

    Love your Tips. They always make me think…

    Looking forward to your new format.



  20. Margaret Waring says:

    Wishing you every success with your change and re-organization plans. I see many useful ideas among your suggestions and don’t want to miss any.

  21. Mary Munch says:

    Thanks for your daily tip – very helpful. Mary

  22. Thank you so much, I do have so many issues trying to keep up and find the lost ones. Your tips help keep my in line.


  23. […] Get Genealogy Tip of the Day Every Day! […]

  24. Della Steineckert says:

    I still look forward to receiving yet another idea to use, ponder, and remember

  25. Rosalyn says:

    Thank you so much for all your devoted time and help to the genealogy community. It is most appreciated! (:

  26. Charles Bearss says:

    subscribe me to the Tip of the Day

    • mjnrootdig says:

      There should be a “confirmation” message in your email. Open that message and follow the instructions to confirm your subscription. Thanks.

  27. Elaine says:

    Your brief, and to-the-point tips are really appreciated. Thank you.

  28. Shirley Primavera says:

    I have tried 3 times to subscribe (and on different days) and have never received a confirmation email. Am I subscribed….or not????
    Thank You……….and I enjoy your informative tips every day

    • mjnrootdig says:

      Shirley–It’s showing that you tried, but never confirmed. Is it by chance in your spam/junk folder?

      • Shirley Primavera says:

        I have also checked my Junk/spam folder and it is not there either. Can you MANUALLY confirm me, or do I need to do something else? I do enjoy your tips and find them very helpful.

        • mjnrootdig says:

          Let me see Shirley. Part of this is to prevent me from spamming people. It still shows that you’ve “started the process” but not completed it.

          • Shirley Primavera says:

            Did you have any luck getting me subscribed? Since I tried several times on different days hoping that at least one of those attempts would go thru….apparently NONE of them did.

  29. Shirley Jewell says:

    I have a road block on a ancestor. Your tips help to remind me to not overlook any small thing

    Appreciate all the tips.

  30. Linda Clobes says:

    I happily read this every time I see it in my ‘Inbox’.
    Thank you.

  31. Judy Brandt says:

    Thanks for offering this service.. I need all the help I can get

  32. Pat Wade says:

    Thank you for bringing valuable advice to us.

  33. WyoSpring says:

    Your insight is amazing–I like receiving your new ideas for researching.

  34. Lowe says:

    I have tried to unsubscribe twice and all it does is say “welcome” . Please fix this for me.

  35. Ray Blaum says:

    I keep getting email at this address, but when I try to unsubscribe I keep getting ‘this email is not listed’! Please stop ALL emails to me regardless of address.!

  36. Pete Anderson says:

    Many thanks for all of your assistance.

    Pete Anderson

  37. Please unsubscribe me.

  38. John Johnston says:

    Thank you for all the information you provide. We appreciate it!

  39. Phyllis Schanbacher says:

    This is fabulous !!! A different tip everyday allows me more time to obsorb what I learned.

  40. Carol Chandler says:

    I would like to subscribe to your daily tip.

  41. Sue says:

    My grandmother on my mom’s side had a sister and two babies born in 1909. Both children died with in 2 days of being born and yet we cannot find any grave information on them and no one seems to know anything

  42. Becky Race says:

    Looking forward to some helpful tips.

  43. Rebecca says:

    my email subscription periodically ends and I have to re-subscribe. I realized I hadn’t had an emailed tip since Feb 19, 2025, so today I signed back up!!

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