Our 60% genealogy webinar sale is back on–save 60% off on our already low-price of $8.50 per presentation. Our topics include: Sections, Townships, Base Lines, and More–Legal Property Descriptions Charts, Charts, and More Charts Creating Research Plans Female Ancestors Probate Process Did Your Ancestor Get A Civil War Pension? What Is Not Written Crossing The Pond Preparing for Mother’s Death The Genealogical Proof Standard and much, much more. This 60% discount makes our presentations the most affordable in the industry.  Our presentations are informal, down-to-earth, and practical. The only agenda we have is helping you with your research.  Coupon code “sixty” at check out will reduce your order by 60%. Downloads are immediate. Sale ends at 11:59 PM (Central time)  24 October 2012. Don’t wait–your ancestors are not getting any younger.  Orders […]
A witness to a document typically is only indicating that they know who signed the document in question. A witness has to be of legal age and sound mind, but does not have to have any relationship to the person actually making out the document. Don’t draw too many conclusions about a person who only witnesses one of your ancestor’s documents. The witness just might have been another warm body in the office the same time as your ancestor. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Is there a region (county, state, etc.) where you are researching and you don’t have any contemporary map of the area? Even a modern map is better than nothing. Researching in an area without understanding the geography is asking to be confused. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Most immigrants to the United States did naturalize after they had been in the United States for some time. Some never naturalized, which would explain the lack of a naturalization record. Some naturalized before 1906 when any court of record could naturalize and if you don’t know where your ancestor resided for every moment of his life, you might not locate the record. And others may have thought they were naturalized by their father’s naturalization and that they did not need to naturalize themselves. Keep in mind that especially before the 1920s, naturalization laws were confusing to many. One of those confused might have been your ancestor. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
It may take years for the estate of your ancestor to have been completely settled. As a result, the probate file for your ancestor who died in 1840 may be filed with those cases settled in the 1860s. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Do you plan your research and decide what to do and how to do it before you it? Or do you just start typing things in search boxes and hoping? Do you randomly look for families in various records, hoping something comes up as the result? While there is nothing wrong with hope, a little organization of your search can save you from frustration later and allow you to better trouble-shoot unsuccessful searches. And do you have any research goals? ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
We’ve just released the media file for my latest webinar which focuses on knowing what you are searching on FamilySearch. If you are confused by states that have multiple indexes to the “same” set of vital records, why a marriage entry appears multiple times in an index, or how to see what was used to create the index, then this webinar is for you. We focus on American sources, but the methods will apply to other locations as well. This presentation is not for complete beginners–some research experience is necessary. You can download the media for only $4 during our introductory price offer. A PayPal account is not necessary, you can “click through” and when time for payment comes, click as a “guest” and use your non-PayPal credit […]
When trying to obtain a copy of a vital record, begin searching at the local level first (town, county, etc.), then try the state records office. Avoiding search firms that advertise for “immediate” delivery will be easier on your pocketbook. Determine if any records are available online or on microfilm via FamilySearch (http://www.familysearch.org). Chances are you do not need the death certificate tomorrow, via overnight mail. Don’t pay for services you do not need. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
When was the last time you visited the FamilySearch site to see if there were scanned images of local records in areas where you have family? Even if you ignore the “compiled trees,” (which isn’t a bad idea), there are still many, many actual images of records on the site–all free. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Sometimes ancestors might appear in records where they are “not supposed to.” Recently while using draft registration cards for men in Georgia born between 1 July 1924 and 31 December 1924, I ran across a card for a man born on 13 September 1925. It was marked “cancelled,” but still appeared with the other cards. Sometimes things that are not supposed to be, are. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Remember that for a person to be born in a location, their mother has to be in that location. The same is not true of the father. The father and mother have to be in the same location nine or so months before the birth. Basic biology, but make certain your conclusions, assumptions, and premises don’t violate it. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Try and stick to information or evidence you have found in original records or sources. Avoid putting speculation into your family files, particularly regarding details of your ancestor’s life that are not even remotely suggested in the records. It is difficult for someone over a hundred years later to really understand everything about what motivated their ancestor. A woman being left as a widow in 1855 with small children may have remarried out of necessity to support herself and her children, but whether that marriage was unhappy or not is not suggested merely because it took place early in 1856. In a similar fashion, your inability to find a marriage record does not mean the couple was not married and the failure to record the birth of a […]
At the request of one of our fans, I’m reminding readers about our Genealogy Tip of the Day mug. Mugs are available from CafePress. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
I wrapped up a beginning genealogy class last week. One of the records sources we discussed were local court records. These materials are full of genealogical information. Yet many genealogists do not use them because they are frequently only available in their original paper form and have minimal indexes. Do not limit yourself. Local court records (divorce, estate fights, bastardry, etc.)  involving your family could provide more information than you ever dreamed of. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Remember when using digital versions of old newspapers and relying on optical character recnognition that an “s” may appear to be an “f.” That’s how I found Absalom in the index as Abfalom. Human eyes might not have read it that way. But computers, reading millions of letters will do that. The option, for those that find this irritating, is to read the newspapers one at a time. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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