For those with immigrant ancestors, it’s tempting to start researching in the home country as soon as they learn the country from which their ancestor came. However often that is not the best approach. Completely researching the immigrant in the area of settlement may give additional clues as to the specific point of origin or the names of relatives and associates in the new country who also lived near the immigrant in the old country.
In reviewing research on my Irish immigrants, I realized that somewhere along the line, I made an incorrect conclusion. I “got it in my head” that the bondsman on the 1865 marriage of my ancestors appeared as the bondsman on numerous bonds and probably was not a relative for that reason. When I went back and reviewed the records, the bondsman was a bondsman on only one bond: the one for my ancestors. All of which means that I need to research the bondsman more fully to determine if he had any relationship to my ancestors. Lessons: review your research check your assumptions every so often, clean out the mental dust bunnies in your ancestral closet  
I’m putting on what will be the last of my new webinars for a while as I’m getting back to research and writing. Our topics on Friday/Saturday of this week are: Charts, Charts, and More Charts Pre-1850 Research Genealogical Terms and Definitions Preserving Past You Anyone registered will receive a complimentary copy of the download after the presentations have been recorded. Even if you can’t attend live, register and get the recorded copy a few days after the session. There are more details here.
Offer ends 31 August. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. Their August offer to our readers is an annual subscription that equates to $5 a month. Subscribers who join during August also get their free “Obituary Resource Guide.” Offer ends 31 August–don’t wait!
Part of the work on a relative in upstate New York centered on searching for him in land records. In establishing a time frame in which he could appear in those records, it’s good for me to remember that he would not be purchasing real property before his twenty-first birthday. I don’t need to look for him in land records before he was of legal age. Minors who obtain property through an inheritance usually can’t perform legal transactions on that property in their own name. If the property needs to be sold, a guardian typically is appointed to handle the transaction.
I’m “stuck” on my Thomas Chaney who died in 1856 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. In reviewing my material on him, I realized that I have several of his children who I have not tracked down. Of his nearly ten children who grew to adulthood, I have significant information on the descendants of one and a scattering of information on descendants of one other. Maybe it’s time to research his children more fully than I have in hopes of locating more on him.
Sometimes getting away from your research for a few minutes and thinking about something else can be the best “brick wall” breaker there is.
If a child is “born” before a couple married, consider several possibilities: the date of marriage is incorrect the date of birth for the child is incorrect the wife/husband had a child out of wedlock the “child” was adopted etc. Your first conclusion about the scenario may be correct. Or it may not be. Research the family as completely as possible, then see if a conclusion can be reached.
If your ancestor was divorced, do you know if there were any restrictions on when they could marry again? In some locations in some time periods, a divorced person may have had to wait a certain amount of time before they could marry again.
Thanks to those who purchased webinars during my closeout sale. To let people complete missed downloads, etc. the hosting service is still up and if you missed the chance to order you can still do so. Please note: if you ordered presentations and had download issues, please let me know at so that this can be corrected before the end of the month if you’d still like to order, we can take orders through the end of the month. Just make certain you download the file as soon as the download link comes through. You don’t have to view immediately.
A small “u” can easily be written in such a way that is is read as one of the following: ee, a, o, n, ie, ei, ll, or w. And of course…there are even more possible renderings.
Due to a schedule conflict, these have been moved back one week from the original schedule. If you have registered and this is a problem, please email me at Revised Schedule and Four New Topics! Sign up for all 4 for $25! Those who cannot attend will receive complimentary downloads of the sessions after they have been completed. 4 September  2015-Friday–5 PM Central Time. Original, Derivative, Primary, Secondary, Direct and Indirect, Evidence and Proof and More!: Troubles with Terms This session will look at just what is typically meant by these genealogical terms. Anyone’s research can benefit from an understanding of “proof” terminology, even if publishing in a journal is the furthest thing from your mind. Knowing the differences of these terms and when to use each one […]
Our genealogy webinar closeout continues through 22 August (today). Download is immediate and presentations can be viewed when or as often as you want. Don’t wait!
In your desire to preserve and record the past of your family, do not forget to include materials on yourself. Newspaper clippings, photographs, awards, certificates, diplomas, and other items that relate to YOU are important as well. At some point in the future, you will be on of those names on a chart just like the relatives you are trying to track down today. Future genealogists in your family will be glad that you did not forget to preserve items on the living as well as the dead. [Thanks to Facebook fan Bella C. for suggesting today’s tip!]
When information is inconsistent or you are trying to sort out individuals, consider making a chart or table to summarize the information that is conflicting or does not make sense. Sometimes just the process of thinking about how to organize what you have and then organizing it will help you to notice things that you did not notice before.
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