What inherited items do you no longer need? What pieces of ephemera do you have that do not really relate to you or to your family? What items do you have duplicate copies of?

Have you considered giving the items away instead of waiting for whoever cleans out your house to do it? Will your kids know who might be interested in an item? Will they care or have the time to go through such things?

There are many ways to reach out to individuals who might be interested in things you have that you no longer want. A duplicate copy of a county history I mentioned on my personal Facebook page. A football program I mentioned on my high school class Facebook page. Other items I’ve mentioned to relatives to see if they were interested. Don’t wait.

You may spark someone’s interest in family history. You may give someone a chance to connect with their past. Someone may remember something about the picture that you do not.

And you may clean out that closet.



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