A few reminders:

  • tips are short–and not meant to be extensive, academic discussions of a topic
  • tips are reminders–all of us forget things from time to time
  • tips may send you looking–for more details on that topic
  • tips may not apply in all areas and time periods–check and see if that concept applies to your research situation
  • tips are sometimes basic–we’ve got people at a variety of levels who participate and we were all beginners at one point in time

And thanks to all who participate in Genealogy Tip of the Day! It is appreciated.



3 Responses

  1. When I mentioned that I was going to see my great-grandparents graves, my mother told me not to bother, because she could tell me what was on the headstones. I insisted, and am glad I did. She did not remember that their dates and places of birth were inscribed there. I did verify the information elsewhere, but it gave me the starting hints that I was missing

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