Starting in June, we’ll be offering a twice monthly version of Casefile Clues for beginners. Check it out. We are offering trial subscriptions and more details on the site below. Visit the Casefile Clues blog for further updates. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
When was the last time you reviewed a conclusion you reached a year ago? Two years ago? Is it possible you made a mistake? Were you using limited references? Is it possible that new records or indexes have come online that might give you more information and cause you to re-evaluate your conclusions from years ago? A correspondent a few months ago asked me about a person I had researched five years ago. She questioned the person I thought was the father of the common ancestor. In looking over her research, I ended up agreeing with her conclusion, but for different reasons than she gave. Review what you’ve done before–the perspective of time may give you cause to change your conclusions. Or not. But it never hurts. ———————————— […]
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