Is that “S” an “L” or is that “L” an “S?” These two uppercase letters are easy to confuse. And that’s why when looking for Sargents I always remember to look for Largents as well.

There are others as well. Could your Feather family be hiding with some Leathers?



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  1. Have a Joseph Tissott whose last name in the marriage register was transcribed as Lysat. The “T” could have been an “L”, the “ys” should have been “iss”, the “ss” was in the old form with the long “s”.

  2. We have to try and think of both what a name might sound like AND how it might look when written – this can test the imagination!

    My Bott ancestors have often been cited as BOLT, BATT or BUTT!

    It's one of the most common problems in searching indexes.


  3. The census taker in Yazoo County, Ms for 1850 was guilty of making an L appear as an S. Some census transcribers appear not to have noticed, thus errors abound. If Mr. “Lmith” was born in “Souisiana,” you can be sure an error was made!

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