If you are travelling a distance to do research, , do more than just make certain the records office will be open when you are planning to arrive. Find out if there are any days to “avoid” using the facility. Some small courthouses have court on certain days of the week only–these are days to avoid. If you arrive when offices are being remodeled, accessing things may be difficult. And you may be told to wait to come until “Gertrude comes back from vacation. She knows where everything is.” It’s not always possible to schedule a visit perfectly, but sometimes you can maximize the chances you have the best research experience possible. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
In answer to several questions, here is a summary of our freebies: Michael’s article “Brick Walls from A to Z”–email your request to brickwallsa2z@gmail.com 2 Free issues of Casefile Clues–,my weekly newsletter–email your request to samples@casefileclues.com 1 Free Issue of Casefile Clues for Beginners—our bi-monthly newsletter–email your request to beginner@casefileclues.com Thanks! Feel free to spread word of this offer–the direct link is:http://genealogytipoftheday.blogspot.com/2011/06/freebies-we-have.html ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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