Remember that spouses aren’t necessarily buried in the same cemetery–or even in the same state. One ancestor died in Indiana in 1861 where he is buried and another is buried in Iowa where she died in the 1870s.

And one aunt is buried at the veteran’s home in Iowa where she died and her husband was buried at the veteran’s home in Kansas where he died.

So they might have been together in life, but not in burial!



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  1. Michael,
    So true. I found one couple buried in the same cemetery but no where near the same plot. He and most of the children were buried in the Catholic section; she in the Protestant with one daughter.

  2. we found my hubby's great-grandfather's grave, but no sign of his great-grandmother…supposing she may have remarried? Also, I'm unable to locate a LOT of my relatives' graves as headstones weren't a priority

  3. Remember, when you do find a cemetery with family members… if possible… leave permission for other researchers to contact you… and leave a geneaology outline that can be copied for the person making the inquiry… never know who may email, call or write you. KristinaFamilyArchivist

  4. Another thing to take into consideration is different religions. We have an uncle who is in a Serbian cemetery and his wife is in a Jewish cemetery even though they both died in the same town. The way I found out was thru their obituaries.

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