Are there tombstones you have not seen, photographed, or tried to get photographs of? Tombstones are one of the most fragile genealogical sources around.

While not as fragile aunt Myrtle’s mind or the paper in the family bible, stones are subject to deterioration, decay, and the ravages of time. And sometimes vandals.



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  1. And sometimes neglect. I have plot numbers for some of my sons ancestors but the 120-year-old stones can't be found even by those familiar with the cemetery. That area of the graveyard is overgrown with thorn bushes, weeds and ticks 🙁

  2. My problem is the township trustees that hire these guys with zero turn lawn mowers and have absolutely destroyed three old family cemeteries. I complained but nothing can be done. It just makes me sick. I actually brought home three tombstones going back to the early 1800's. Now I don't know what to do with them. I am 70 yrs old.

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