I will be one of two featured speakers at the annual National Societies of Palatines to America conference in Indianapolis from 14-16 June 2012. I’m looking forward to making my presentations there and hope blog readers will join me if they live in the area and have an interest. You don’t have to be a society member to attend the conference.My topics are: Crossing the Pond Online Search Techniques Germanic Research with Ancestry.com German Genealogy Websites Creating Your Own Blog What’s New for German Researchers on FamilySearch Determining Your Own Migration Chain Warren Bittner will also be presenting additional German topics.  Mark your calendar now. I’m looking forward to meeting attendees and blog readers as well.  ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Way back in 2003, I thought I had “figured out” an 1860 census entry with a few irregular entries. I even had a list of reasons why my conclusion was correct. Flash forward to 2012. In attempting to “redo” the research, I reached a different conclusion about the 1860 census entry–one that meant I had more work to do. Genealogical conclusions are always subject to new information, new procedures, and the potential that a misinterpretation was made along the way. Don’t be afraid to revise. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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