Don’t immediately conclude that just because your ancestor left his daughter a dollar in his will that he was “on the outs” with her right before he died. It may very well have been that he had provided for the daughter earlier, perhaps at her marriage, and the dollar bequest was to simply include her so that it could not been said she was “left out” or omitted from the will. Sometimes the $1 bequest means there was some sort of falling out. And other times, it simply means that everyone was being included. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Our last new January webinar will be on January 28th at 11: 00 am Central time (noon Eastern and 9 Pacific).  This webinar is being RESCHEDULED for 3 February 2012 at 11:30 AM–Central–9:30 AM Pacific. Registrants who cannot attend will be sent a download link for the presentation-questions can be sent to me at mjnrootdig@gmail.comIt will be a demonstration on how I searched for Virginia Land Patents (on the Library of Virginia website) on a specific ancestor and then how those patent were platted in Deedmapper and fit together to establish a partial neighborhood for this ancestor. The property involved is in what is now Orange County, Virginia. The webinar will discuss (through live demonstration) how the site searches were conducted for the specific ancestor and his neighbor, […]
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