In some church registrations of vital records, christenings of children born out of wedlock may be recorded at the end of the year of entries instead of their “correct” chronological spot. So if an ancestor was born in February of 1832 with parents who were not married, the entry of the child’s christening might be recorded after the December of 1832 entries and before the 1833 entries.

Or sometimes these entries may be written upside down or in the margin in an attempt to indicate they were “different.”



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  1. Thank you Thank you thankyou . I always wondered why William of Cannonsville' , NY register had his mother's name upside down in the margin. His father , William Seymore of Newburge, NY already has a son named William. William Seymore of Cannonsville,'s mother was Rhoda Chidsey. The birth was in 1785.

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