March 2012 Fundamental WebinarsRescheduled due to illness–see new dates below Our fundamental webinars are each approximately 20 minutes in length. These short session are geared for beginner or somewhat experienced beginners who would like to learn more about the following topics. Each presentation includes the 20 minute or so presentation and the handouts. Downloads of previous fundamental webinars can be ordered here.   Quick Google Ideas—this is geared towards the advanced beginner to intermediate genealogist as all the fundamental webinars. Our focus will be on searching, what to search for and how to search for it. Runs on 13 April 2012 at 2:30 PM Central. Register for $2. ·         Organizing Census Searches—querying census databases to locate hard-to-find ancestors is necessary. Organizing the search is necessary as well. Through three quick examples, get ideas […]
In the early 1860s, Elizabeth Freund was appointed adminstratrix of her husband’s estate. There was no will. Yet in every other reference to Elizabeth throughout the estate papers, she is called the executor. Repeatedly. Numerous times. Yet she was not the executor of his estate as there was no will. It is likely that the attorney for the estate or the clerk incorrectly referred to her as the executor in one of the earlier documents and the mistake simply got repeated over and over. Sometimes mistakes are mistakes. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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