For those who are new…

I currently write and maintain the following blogs:

  • Genealogy Tip of the Day 
    • One quick tip every day on a wide variety of topics–meant to be short, quick, and to the point.
    • Postings on a variety of research topics–difficulties with websites, quick analysis of records or sources, some opinion, research methdology, etc. No press releases, no “news,” and no posting  of offers from database providers, equipmentn sellers, etc.
  • Genealogy Transcriber
    • One piece of handwriting posted everyday–can you read it?
  • Search Tip of the Day
    • A database search tip–published irregularly–not really every day, but I don’t post something just so I can say i posted something every day. Focuses on database and web searching.
  • Casefile Clues Blog
    • A blog that complements my fee-based how-to newsletter, Casefile Clues.

Viewing or subscribing to the above blogs are free.



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