I’ve got a busy summer planned. Here’s a look at genealogy-related events with which I’ll be involved this summer–consider joining me: LIve Webinars-LOC Newspapers, Virginia Land Patents, War of 1812 Pensions, Land Records at FamilySearch. Organizing Genealogical Information Class Research Trip to the Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne
For those who might have missed it the first time, we’ve reposted my thoughts on “The Genealogy Elite and the Genealogy Police.”
Some of what Grandma tells you will be incorrect. Some of it will be correct. Most of it will rest somewhere in between the “truth” and the “untruth.” Write it all down and make it crystal clear that it was what Grandma said–not information you “proved” in official records. The stories Grandma tells about her family say something about her. Record them. Then go and try and figure out what really happened.
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