[I posted this to my Rootdig blog, but am posting it here as well…thanks!] We are still working through a few issues after our transfer to WordPress for our blog management. We appreciate everyone’s patience. If you get this message, and have a free moment, please let me know–either by responding on the blog, or to the email. I usually write about whatever strikes my interest and don’t pay much heed to what may generate a lot of chatter or responses. I try and write things that I think people will read and get some help from–and often those are things that people don’t respond to. So….gentle reader, if you could let me know that I’m not operating in a vacuum, I’d appreciate it. Now back to our […]
Have you checked to see if there are employment records for your ancestor? Virtually all of my ancestors were farmers, so there’s no “employment record.” However my children’s ancestor worked for the Pullman Car Company in Chicago and the image accompanying this post is part of his employment record.
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