Every week (usually on Sunday), I send a summary of my blog posts during the week to: Genealogy Tip of the Day Genealogy Search Tip Rootdig There are a few additional items in the update that are not posted to the blogs, including: citation of the week picture the week letter of the week This update is separate from the blogs and was created for those who didn’t want to get the blogs daily in their email. The email update is separate from the daily updates that go out. The most recent update can be seen here. There are no advertisements in the update. Subscription is nominal which covers our email service used to send the weekly blog update out.
If you are having difficulty locating “associates” of your ancestor, determine if his probate records include an inventory of any amounts owed to him or her at their demise. Those names were probably people with whom your ancestor associated. They may be relatives. Or maybe not–that would depend upon how much your deceased ancestor trusted his relatives to pay him back.
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