The old tips that did not get uploaded originally have all been posted to the blog. Thanks for your patience. This should end the “more than one” daily postings.  
If your relative took a state examination to receive a teaching certificate, there’s a chance that it was mentioned in a local newspaper. Have you looked? This newspaper item from 1918 mentions my aunt, Luella Trautvetter. She would have been 17 at the time she took the test. Now I’ve got to look and see if she passed–this newspaper reference only indicated those who took the exam in March of 1918 in Adams County, Illinois.
Do you know the legal description of any real estate your ancestor owned in the United States? The legal description precisely states where your ancestor’s property is located, such as: Lot 5 in block 2 of section 8 of Wilson’s Addition to the City of Warsaw, Illinois The north half of section 2 in township 4 north of the 5th principal meridian. Some land indexes are organized geographically. Tax records are organized geographically and other records are organized in this fashion as well. In upcoming tips we’ll have ideas on finding that legal description.
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