The release of several new databases online reminded me of the importance of knowing what is contained in the database being searched. Some online databases do not include every “sub-location” (ie. not every county within a state), do not contain as much information on one sub-location as they do another (ie. some counties have more records included than others), or do not include the same range of years. Check out what it contains before you enter items in those search boxes. This tip was based on a longer post about the new “probate” database at
Due to requests from several attendees, we’ve added one last request to our schedule. The “Probate Records on” presentation (Saturday–5 September 2015 at 11:00 a.m.). The presentation on the new probate records database on will include: determining what is in the database search techniques and strategies limitations of the records limitations of the search interface interacting with images Learn how to make effective use of this large database. Michael has thirty years of research experience using probate records. Order the presentation and handout (download immediate) for only $8.
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