My webinar on the probate materials on was a great success. Now that I’ve had time to get into the materials more deeply and have had questions from attendees, viewers, and blog readers, I’m ready to continue our discussion and discovery with “US Probate Materials on Part II.” This session will be held on 11 September at 11:00 am. central time. Those who do not attend live can pre-order a recorded copy of the presentation. Part 2 will cover: Searching the unindexed probate materials at–remember that the index on only scratches the surface of what is on the site Navigating the several search boxes and inventory interfaces Making certain you have gotten all the probate references for your person of interest that are on Determining what additional may be […]
When I read the 1864 will of an immigrant relative I made some assumptions about his immigration and life. When I re-read the will, remembered how old he was at the time I realized that those assumptions were not really justified. Have you taken a second look at any hasty assumptions you may have made? Sometimes it can be difficult to get them out of our head.
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