To reduce confusion, here is a summary of my blogs/newsletters:

  • Rootdig.comMichael’s thoughts, research problems, suggestions, and whatever else crosses his desk. You can get a daily update in your email by subscribing using the link on the blog page.
  • Genealogy Tip of the Dayone genealogy research tip every day–short and to the point. You can also join our Facebook group or follow us on our fan page. You can get the tip daily in your email by subscribing on using the link on any Genealogy Tip of the Day page.
  • Genealogy Search Tipwebsites I’ve discovered and the occasional online research tip–short and to the point. You can get these tips daily in your email by subscribing using the link on the blog page.
  • Genealogy Transcriberone piece of handwriting every day–with the answer the next.

Fee-based items:

  • Weekly blog update (view an older one). This is a weekly summary of postings to the four blogs listed above–with a few extras thrown in for subscribers. This is a fee-based subscription.
  • Casefile Clues. This is my how-to newsletter with detailed discussion and analysis of a problem or document in every issue. Delivered as a PDF file.



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