Your ancestor’s civil marriage record may contain the name of the preacher who married your ancestors or the church with which he was affiliated. Try and see if the church has any extant records. Church records may provide more information about your ancestors.

Or they may not.

Or your ancestors may have been married by a Justice of the Peace–in which case there won’t be a church record of the marriage.


Genealogy Tip of the Day is sponsored by GenealogyBanksearch for your ancestors.




One response

  1. Unfortunately many churches didn’t and still don’t keep records of baptisms, marriages or deaths. The preacher may have take the records with him when he left. I joined a new church and wanted to do a history for the 125 year old church and organize their records. I was told that in the 1950s, the “secretary” decided they didn’t need these old records and tossed everything. The only records we have are hit and miss but none of the above unless they are mentioned in the membership records which are also missing for the early years. I found one book of trustee minutes during the time they built the new church 100 years ago but that’s it. The current membership secretary has 2 books of members but they start around the 1920s. I was in shock. Old records are supposed to be kept by church rules or sent to the archives but neither was done.

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