At a recent family reunion, a relative (technically a second cousin of my father) told me how in the 1930s her mother had lived with my great-grandparents when she attended high school because my great-grandparents lived in town.

It never hurts to talk to the more distant relatives. Sometimes chatting will bring up more stories than specific questions.

This was also a reminder that times and transportation were different. The cousin lived several miles from “town,” a village of maybe two hundred people, and could not afford a car. Even though town was more of a tiny village and the distance was small by modern standards, it would have been difficult to walk daily in the Depression era–especially in winter.



3 Responses

  1. I recently joined a facebook page of the descendants of my Grandmother’s sister. They had photo’s of my Grandmother and my great-grandparents that my mother had never seen. So do reach out for those distant relatives.

  2. I started a Facebook page for the descendants of my great-great grandparents, and a fair number of distant cousins have joined.

    The main postings are anniversaries of births and deaths for our common relatives, with some photos. These postings will elicit stories from family members that I probably would not have heard otherwise

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