Make certain you have looked at every side of a stone for additional inscriptions, significant markings, etc. There could be something of value on the reverse side of stone and some families did the best they could to get the most possible out of the stone.
In addition to the regular blog content on my blogs, I put out a weekly summary of blog content–this is perfect for those who may overlook the daily emails or who do not want to receive the daily emails–the weekly update is weekly, not daily (grin!). My weekly blog update is separate from daily emails received from the individual blogs. The weekly update includes a summary of postings to: Genealogy Tip of the Day Genealogy Search Tip of the Day Rootdig In addition, the weekly blog update includes the following premium content not published on my blogs: Tombstone of the week Citation of the week Letter of the week Picture of the week and the occasional extra item of interest There are no press releases, memes, or similar material in […]
Your ancestor’s final neighbors may hold the key to more information on her. Determine who is buried near to your ancestor. Those adjacent burials could be other relatives, by birth or by marriage, or they could be totally unrelated. But you will never know unless you locate more about them than a name on a stone.
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