Do you have any heirloom plants and have you documented their story along with your other tiger-lilllygenealogical information?

This tiger lily originally belonged to my great-grandmother, Tjode (Goldenstein) Habben (1882-1954)  who gave bulbs to her daughter, Dorothy (Habben) Ufkes (1924-2008), my maternal grandmother.

Take pictures of your plant and write down as much of the story as you know, including various locations where the plant grew and who owned it.




5 Responses

  1. I have a house plant called a Hoya. My mom would take cuttings and put them in water to root. I found one in her house after she died. Planted it and now have a big lovely plant that blossoms every year. I visited a great aunt whom I had never met
    To get family info and to have her identify people in some photos and she had one of the same very unusual plants in her living room.

  2. I have Rhubarb in my garden that my mother brought out around 1970. My daughter in Utah took roots back with her a few years ago. Someone visiting asked her if that was rhubarb in her garden. She said, ” yes, it is my heirloom rhubarb because it was my grandmothers :). I have pictures of mine and hers and a description in my FAMILY TREASURES BOOK.

  3. This is a wonderful suggestion. I have plants in my garden started from pieces of plants from my mother and special friends. I hadn’t thought to include them in my family history

  4. I have tiger lilies that came from my Sister; I have other plants that came from my Mother and a Peony plant that came form my Grandmothers. All were off shoots from their gardens. I will put these in my family history. Thank you.

  5. i have trees as well as plants that are from my grandma that she got from her mother! I have shared cuttings with my daughters.

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