Always know what you are searching whether you are searching an online database or a printed book.

The “Restored” marriage records shown in the image are from a variety of local sources. They are referred to as “Restored” because the original records from the county were destroyed in a fire.

Always read the preface or any introductory material in order to determine exactly what you are searching or using. That’s the only way you will know whether that next book on the shelf is something you need to use or not.restoredmarriages



2 Responses

  1. If restored items such as marriage certificates, or licenses were originally destroyed in a fire or flood, then where does one go to find the restored books? I’m new in this part of my research. I only looked at one library, or asked rather. Thank u for your help.

  2. Some years ago I ordered microfilm at the local Family History Center of those Hamilton Co., OH marriage records. I found my ancestor’s marriage, but thought something was not quite right because all the handwriting was the same! Later, a kind soul, referred me to the church records of the St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati, OH. I obtained the microfilm and saw the 1850 marriage record of my great-grandparents. I consider this a better source than the restored books.

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