If your ancestor left the US military before his  Civil War term was up, he likely was charged with desertion. Some deserters later appealed this charge, particularly as pension laws became more liberal and would qualify him for a pension–if he had not deserted. Even if their appeal to change their discharge was denied, information contained in the file may provide additional details about your ancestor and his life during the Civil War and after. These records are at the National Archives.  A big thanks to GenealogyBank for being our sponsor! Please check out their August offer for Tip of the Day readers, fans, and followers.
For those who were not aware, GoogleBooks has digital scans of thousands of out-of-copyright books on their site. Many of the out-of-copyright books can be downloaded in their entirety, but some cannot. They are full text searchable and one can make unexpected discoveries in these items. Scanned items include: county histories family genealogies city, town, and occupational directories state statutes reports of court cases heard by appellate courts and more The direct link is http://books.google.com A big thanks to GenealogyBank for being our sponsor! Please check out their August offer for Tip of the Day readers, fans, and followers.
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