Every event in your ancestor’s life takes place in context. If your ancestor does something on a specific date, there may be other people doing that same thing on that same date: other couples marrying on the same date as your ancestor may be relatives or close friends other individuals naturalizing on the same day as your ancestor may be relatives, friends, or associates men who deserted the army on the same date as your ancestor may have had a connection to him people who died on the same date as your ancestor may have had the same contagious illness and so on. The commonality of the date may mean nothing. It may also be significant. Just don’t ignore it. Looking for “same day people”  is an excellent way to […]
Statements and affidavits are not in a military pension for arbitrary reasons. Typically the veteran may have to show or document: his service his injury received or illness contracted during the war how he qualifies for a pension under a specific act need that he was the same guy who enlisted Widows need to provide additional documentation. There may be papers that appear extraneous, but there usually was a reason. A big thanks to GenealogyBank for being our sponsor! Please check out their August offer for Tip of the Day readers, fans, and followers.
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