Always keep in the back of your head that children you think are full siblings could be half-siblings or step-siblings as well. Some records will not make the distinction clear. Frequently those details get sorted out when inheritances are settled.



One response

  1. Another important fact to not miss is that the youngest child in the family might actually be the Son or Daughter of an unwed daughter still living with the parents. I have found this in several of my families as I researched over the years. However the most important was my maternal Grandfather who it took me over 30 years to obtain the necessary primary record (document) proving his supposed sister 17 years older was actually his mother. Even his Birth Record stated he was not B in Ontario Canada (as his mother was) but in Nova Scotia. But at 2 weeks old he was in Ontario raising a question. Yet his Baptismal notes and records stated Ontario Canada as did some of the Census records. After many years I found a Bible record with the last name of his Bio father who had moved to Ontario Canada from Nova Scotia and lived on the neighboring farm and moved westward prior in the US to my Grandfathers B. . Bans of marriage had started at one point with his mother but never actually happened. He lived with his Grandparents as their son on later Census Records and used his mothers maiden name as he entered school. It took me a lot of traveling outside the US and research (plus $’s) to solve this mystery and a computer would of never solved it.

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