Have you tracked the ex-spouses of your ancestor or relative after the divorce? Sometimes it may not really “help” with your research directly, but there are times where it may directly benefit you on other family members.

I realized that I have nothing in my files on my great-uncle’s wife after their early 1930s divorce. She and he had no children, so it’s not like this would help me trace down descendants, but it will complete my files and…one never knows what one will find until one looks.



One response

  1. Thank u 4 ur input on this subject. IN my beginning research I left them out. After having the issue in my family I do see the importance of completion. U can put in notes no children or if adopted or raised other members of familys children. I sure am glad to have subscription. I have eye issues so some days I can’t do anything but on days that I can I do.

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