When explaining something to someone or creating a post, make certain that you include all relevant detail. In yesterday’s tip regarding the “parents’ home,” it wasn’t mentioned that the father had died nearly ten years before the daughter married and that the mother had moved over 100 miles away shortly after his death. The parental home the daughter lived in was one where her mother had lived, but the father never had.

But be careful when deciding what is relevant and what is not. The weather on the day your ancestor was supposed to get married could impact the marriage and may be relevant. The fact there was a wine stain on the altar carpet and your father noticed it during the ceremony probably isn’t.



One response

  1. If the mother had remarried she may have felt her step-father became her dad or if not that, she may have felt that her dad was therein spirit. I can see that it could be interpreted differently , And there is always tte chance that it was a typo. If it said the home of her mother – then one might ask about well, where was the father?

    I don’t recall if the notice gave the name of who “gave the bride away”. ( I would look but I would loose all of this.:})

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