I hear the following all the time, but sometimes it can be difficult to believe it:

  • have patience
  • keep looking
  • something may turn up

And sure enough it did–a picture of my third great-grandparents on Famil
I’ve researched these people since the early 1980s and this is the first time I have seen a picture of them. I could barely contain my excitement.

But…it does not look like the mental pictures of them I had in my head. But I’ll take it.



10 Responses

  1. Congratulations on finally “meeting” your third g-grandparents, Michael. It is sometimes a surprise to see their faces when we imagine them looking some other way. Do you know when this photo was taken? My 2nd great-grandfather has a beard very similar to your grandfather in this photo.

  2. Thanks, did not know there were photos on Familysearch. I have a few greats for which I do not have photos either. I will be searching….

  3. OK, don’t know how to find photos of ancestors w/o uploading my tree. Is there a way to search just using their name? Thanks for any help.

    • I have an account at FamilySearch, but have only entered in my name and gender. I left the rest of it blank.

      • John, Please give a few more details
        . Where do we look on family search for photos? I have an account. Thanks

        • For starters, try here:

          I’ll work on a longer post for my Rootdig blog.

    • Try Google or on FamilySearch Family Tree use the Find link to see if who you are looking for is already entered. You do not need a (free) FamilySearch account for Google but you do to see the FamilySearch Family Tree.

  4. Thanks to everyone who gave me info. on how to find photos on Familysearch. I also wrote them and received a very nice note with all kinds of info. on how to access the the photos and more. So I will give it another whirl. I did come across how to search for photos by going to “Memories” and then “Find.” Only problem there was so many for the surnames I entered and entering the first names AND surname did not help as then I got all people with the first name and other surnames along with the surname I wanted.

    • It may also be helpful to search for them in the trees and see if any photos are attached. The photo search really only works best with unusual names.

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