Pension files may contain multiple medical reports on your ancestor. Read more than one. Some doctors tell the truth, some exaggerate key details, some lie, and some don’t know what they are doing. Different reports provide a broader perspective.
I’m updating my genealogy speaking schedule for late 2017 and beyond. If your group sponsors a seminar or workshop and you need an engaging, entertaining, and informative speaker, look no further–there are details on my speaking page.  I’ve taken something of a speaking hiatus for the past several years for personal reasons, but am back to booking dates on my calendar. I am looking forward to returning to Genealogy Jamboree in Burbank, California, to give 3 speeches in June–look for me if you’ll be there!
The context in which a document was created and the purpose for which it created matter. A widow in 1901 lists people who attended her wedding. She lists three of her husband’s siblings and one in-law–clearly leaving people out of the list. That’s because the statement she was making was part of her Civil War pension claim and the court was interested in additional people who were living nearby and could confirm her story. She was not providing a comprehensive list of attendees. Dead people cannot testify and those who may have attended but lived a distance away could not easily have given testimony. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. Try their “GenealogyBank Search” and see what discoveries you make.
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