Some newspapers are notoriously bad about spreading obituaries and other items out. Make certain if you are cropping an item from a digital image of a newspaper that you get the entire item. Reading it before you crop it will go a long way to ensuring that happens. Time saved will be lost when you go to read the item and realize that you got a little “crop happy.”
3 Responses
I most definitely agree. Had a family reunion printed from a long article in a newspaper & as I read I was confused over something that seemed missing but no clue how much. Got same information from another source & found a bit of the information had been missing from.the article. IMPORTANT TO CHECK MORE THAN ONE SOURCE! Thank u for this reminder. Sometimes u get do excited at what u found, u forget what the articles information may hold.
After dealing with several clippings from old newspapers, I’d like to add that, when you find a clipping, please sure to get the name of the paper, the location of the paper, and the date of the posting. If in this day and age you still clip articles from actual newspapers, be sure to add any information that may be missing from the article, either in the margins or on the separate piece of paper.
I had clippings (death notices), one that had no date simply-stated ‘last Tuesday’, no town/state, no family, no additional useful information. Another only posted his name, the month and day- no year, no family… Thankfully it mentioned he was a firefighter and he was being waked from his home address, minus the city name.
In the first piece, I knew where he came from. I haven’t gotten all of the information I need but it certainly helped to have some information beforehand. Had I not recognized his name I would never have figured that much out.
With the second post, I googled the street and found the town. I also wrote to the Boston Fire Dept. Who put me in touch with a gentleman, who sent me Multiple pages of information about this man, whom, I eventually learned (through research), was my great grandfather’s brother. Without the BFD, I don’t think I ever would have found that.
Also, be very diligent about names. At my great aunts funeral, the newspaper published the names of her pallbearers. Again, because it was her married name, I didn’t know who she was… except that one of the pallbearers was my great grandfather. Another name was not one I recognized, however it was very close to the my great aunt’s maiden name. I googled the first name and the deceased’s maiden name and sure enough, it was her brother. If my great-grandfather’s name had not been posted, I would never have known who she was.
So I’ve learned to be very through and check every word that is published. And I go back over and over again after finding more information because you never know if something you saw previously and meant nothing at the time, may now make sense.
Good luck, you’ll need it.
When you save clips from newspaper helpful to put heading from top of page with date and name of newspaper. We tape that on and then laminate. I have been told lamination doesn’t keep the paper from deteriorating as much as you would expect. Sometimes we copy in color on archive quality paper. It keeps better than newsprint