Maiden names as middle names can be passed down for quite a number of generations. This World War II draft registrant was named for his ancestor James Rampley who died in Harford County, Maryland in 1817. Often names aren’t passed down this long, but it can happen.   These World War II draft registration cards are indexed in‘s  “U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947.” The actual card images are on
There are several things you should do while planning that research trip to a distant courthouse. This list is not all-inclusive, but will get you started on your planning: what days and times is the courthouse open? is it closed for lunch? are there days of the week I should avoid (is court in session on certain days?) what are the copy costs for various records? can I take cell phone in the courthouse? what other restrictions are there on things I can bring in the facility? can I take digital pictures of records? is there a local society who may be able to assist? does the local library have materials that may help? where is the nearest motel? Connect with a local person or organization before you […]
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