The grantor on a deed is the person who has title to the property and is transferring that title to someone else. There may be more than one grantor on a deed–often it is the spouse, but not always. The grantee is the person to whom the title is being transferred. There may be more than one grantee.

Land records are local records and usually have indexes created for them. There usually are separate grantor and grantee indexes and those indexes usually only include the name of the first grantor and first grantee.

Indexes can differ slightly (or not so slightly) from one location to another. Familiarize yourself with an index when beginning work in a new location.



2 Responses

  1. I found a deed where the Grantor was “Richard Hopson et al”. Richard was actually the 2nd husband of the widow who was selling the land that she and her children (they were the “et al”, obviously) had from her first husband. No where in the deed index does the first husband’s or the wife’s name appear.

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