I’m not a big fan of genealogy “games” as I think some of them are time wasters and that’s simply not my thing.

But have you thought about how your ancestral couples met? For some there may be family stories about how grandpa and grandma met. There are others where the best you can do is surmise that they simply lived within shouting distance of each other.

But have you given it any thought how those couples met? My maternal grandparents met at Luther League in the 1930s. My paternal grandparents met likely because they lived relatively close to each other. My great-grandparents?

  • Neill-husband was the hired man for his bride-to-be’s mother.
  • Trautvetter-no real idea other than geographic proximity of living in the same general area of Tioga, Hancock County, Illinois.
  • Ufkes–attended the same church and lived within a few miles of each other.
  • Habben–husband lived a few miles west of county seat and the wife was working as a “hired” girl for a lawyer in the county seat–the couple likely met at the German Lutheran church in that town.



One response

  1. My Grandmother met my Grandfather when she made a trip from rural Iowa in about 1915 to see a cousin who lived in the big City- Chicago. My grandfather was a boarder in the home, which included a husband and wife (the cousin) and an 8 year old son who became the actor known as Robert Keith. My father met his cousins Robert and Robert’s son Brian Keith, several times at family funerals in Iowa during the 1930’s.

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