It’s hard to think of something new every day, so for today we’ll mention a few things that are worth always keeping handy in your genealogy toolkit:
- Do not jump to conclusions.
- Look at all the information–not just what excites you or agrees with your “hoped for” conclusion.
- Research to find what you can–not to prove what you think you already know.
- Most tall tales have a grain of truth to them.
- Do not research based on memory–double check the facts that “came from your head.”
- Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t be afraid to revise an incorrect conclusion.

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4 Responses
It’s of course a very important suggestion to be sure and revise an incorrect conclusion. I also find it useful to document the thread I followed that led me there so I don’t – weeks or months later – go back down that path again… Some that aren’t can look so so promising…
It’s always a good idea to keep track of those research paths that didn’t turn out. Thanks for the reminder.
Very good point Ruth, I’ve been there and done that many times in my forgetfulness that it is something I’ve already done before.
Michael, I find so many of these items are not only good for genealogy but they also transfer and are quite useful in my everyday work. Thanks.
Julie-you are right that some of these apply in many areas outside of genealogy as well 😉