Do you have family history items that only exist in their original physical form and have never been photographed or digitized? A picture of an item can be a way to preserve it in a fashion and create a means by which the story of the item can also be shared.

What have you not digitized?



2 Responses

  1. Another aspect of Digitized documents, pictures air looms can also go bad. If they are placed on a cd, a cd can become corrupted with age. A thumb drive can also loose information if they are not placed in a dry and cool area. While Genealogy preservation has a constant new way of preserving records, pictures, you must remember in our constant change of Technology, to also re-save all the aforementioned to the new technology for a constant preservation of our cherish treasures !

    • Exactly. Digital images need to be regularly migrated to current media and re-saved so that those images are not lost. It is also important to not assume that the originals can be let to disintegrate just because the images have been made.

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