Sometimes we need a different perspective. I’m not certain the rotating paper to landscape will solve all my problems, but I’m willing to try. There are times when I’m taking notes (or transcribing a document by hand) and I would like more room on a line. So after seeing a friend purchase some of these, I decided to try them for myself.
I’m not certain I needed the different colors, but on a whim I ordered them. Actually the different colors might be helpful when taking notes on a research trip as I could use different colors for different families, types of records, or whatever. Color could be a sorting mechanism.
A 90 degree rotation isn’t going to solve all my problems, but the paper is a good reminder that sometimes a different approach may be necessary.
3 Responses
Happy New Year Michael and a big thank you for your fantastic tips and all you do to help the Gene community.
I bought some of these, too. Great for making graphs, maps, and plats.
Thanks for this tip. The landscape format is much better for long note-taking. I think it works better for visual people to understand placements in genealogy research.