A few random genealogy thoughts from some postings I read this morning while catching up.

Never state a location more precisely than you reasonably know it.

You may never know some locations as precisely as you would like.

People will misinterpret statements no matter how precisely you state them.

Source every genealogical statement you make, but remember that any one source can be wrong.

Ten sources saying the same thing does not make them correct .

There are exceptions to everything.

Please buy the Genealogy Tip of the Day book–the 1st or the 2nd (see how we slipped that in there?) But it’s ok if you don’t.

Most of your ancestors did not live in a soap opera. If a soap opera has to be written to make the records and information fit, there’s something else going on.

Your ancestors’ stories deserve to be told as accurately as possible.

Events happen in locations on certain dates. We won’t always be able to determine those dates or locations precisely. Approximations (with valid reasons) are normal and not the end of the world. It’s often the relationships that matter.



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