From our Facebook page… What do you struggle with in your research? I’m not certain it really impacts things and it may be a stretch to say it’s a “struggle,” but I tend to imagine the ancestors I didn’t know as older and having always been older. My parents are for some reason stuck in their mid-30s (that’s probably my first real solid memories of them) and my grandparents (the three that I knew) are remembered the same way (ranging from 50 to 70 depending on how old they were when I was born). Of course I knew them when they were older. But now that they are gone, they seem to have migrated to those ages in my mind. Memory is a funny thing. Maybe that’s because […]
Genealogists researching in 2024 have indexes available that genealogists in 1924 probably could not even dream of and that genealogists in 1984 might have dreamed of but never thought would happen. Despite those indexes and full-text search capabilities for some records, there are still times when records or references cannot be located. Indexes and full-text searches are not perfect. Sometimes manual searches of every page are necessary. Sometimes searches using the original indexes that were created by the creator of the actual record need to be referenced. Those indexes are not always ideal, but for years they were all we had. In some cases they are still all we have when the records have not been digitized and only exist in their original format. We are not yet […]
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