Now through 11:00 pm central time on 23 November, we’re offering 50% off any webinar order. Details are on our announcement page. You can also view our list of webinars and Coupon code is Nov2024 or NOV20024.
If you are fortunate enough to have an identified photo, avoid being content with that. Include any additional information you have about the identification with the photograph. That’s what’s has been done with this 1930 picture of the Alfred Rampley family of Alabama. The handwriting is mine, but I had no idea who these people were. My grandmother told me when we went through some of her photographs in the 1980s. Grandma might not even have known the names of all the people in the photograph, just who they were as a group. Alfred Rampley was Grandpa’s first cousin and I doubt if Grandma ever met them. It’s also possible she surmised who they were when we saw the studio’s stamp on the back that indicated where the […]
We’ve released the recording and handout for this presentation. Additional details are on our announcement page. Those who have ordered their copy of “Where Did the Farm Go?” should have received their copy of this presentation. If you did and have not, please email me so I can take care of it.
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