It’s impossible to save every family history artifact or piece of paper that comes your way. Even if you are able to save and pass on items, creating a digital book of images of your items lets more than one person at least see what the item was.
There’s no need to get fancy. Simple photographs of items incorporated into a word processing document can be augmented with stories of the items. The document can be saved as a PDF file and shared with others. The text can include provenance of the item, memories of the item, who is to receive it upon your demise, etc. Actually it can include whatever you want.
It can also allow you to keep images of the items you have memories of but are unable to keep long term. For some of us, the amount of nick-nacks, dinnerware, figurines, and the like can be overwhelming. An electronic book of pictures can stir the memories without you having to stir the dust cleaning them.
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