I’m paraphrasing this from a message list post regarding suggestions for getting pictures of far away places: I contacted a university in Boston (a photography class) and asked if someone would take pictures of old homes for me. I would send them a disposable camera along with a stamped envelope for sending the camera back. I got great reception from someone. They sent the camera back. I had the pictures developed and sent the person a check for $25 for doing this. In Lake County, IN, a realtor was called and asked if she would take a picture of a specific home and attach it to an email. She said she would for $25. —————————–Any other thoughts or ideas can be posted as responses here or on the […]
Digital versions of books are great, but remember that there may still be actual hard copies in libraries. If you have the opportunity to visit one that has a genealogical collection, consider looking at books for which you have a PDF version. The actual one may have an inscription, clippings stuck in it, etc. that could be helpful. I ran across one a while back myself. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
In honor of the holiday, we’re offering a July4th Special on Casefile Clues–$17.76 for a year and twenty issues from Year 2 (issues 20-40).That’s essentially 20 free issues. Jump start your research for less than one tank of gas.  Offer good through midnight 5 July for those who were actually celebrating the holiday and not on the internet. Topics here: Volume 2-Number 20–Just One Wife Who Shaves Her Age. Records hinted that a man might have had more than one wife. Despite age discrepancies and first name variations, we’ve likely proven that there was just one wife. Volume 2-Number 21–1930 Census: Primary, Secondary, Original, Derivative, Direct and Indirect. You’ll never look at a census entry the same way again-also shows how in this case, New York became Kentucky […]
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