I have copies from a facility that shall remain nameless. The copies were made from a set of microfilm the facility had of the records. The copier that was used was not great and parts of my copies are very difficult to read.

There is a chance that copies made from the Family History Library’s microfilm might be easier to read.
And copies made from the original records (which are in the courthouse) would  probably be even better yet if I could get there or have someone who could. 
If what you have is not a great copy, is it possible to get a better one elsewhere? 



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  1. Many times I've had to go to the courthouse in order to read the original book. The microfimed record was too faded and scratched to decipher, in addition to the printed copy being completely unreadable.
    Genealogy would be so easy if we could only read the documents! No wonder beginners become discouraged.

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