I just wrapped up my webinar on the “Genealogical Proof Standard for the non-Professional” today. We discussed: exhaustive searches compilation and citation resolving conflicts and a variety of terms and definitions Quick easy examples were given–complex problems can’t be used as numerous illustrations in an hour session. My goal was to get concepts across–and I think we did that. I could have kept talking for another hour. The intent of the session was to make the point that all of can learn something from implementing the standards in our research–whether we intend to “publish” or not.  The recording (video and audio) along with the handout, can be ordered securely here for $8.50. Download is immediate and you can view as many times as  you want. ———————————— Check out […]
Proofreading your transcriptions of records and your research conclusions is always advised. Don’t proofread right after you finished something. Let it sit for a day or so if possible and go back to it. You’ll be surprised how many things you’ll catch when the material is cold. And that will help you with some of those research challenges that we sometimes create ourselves. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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