Don’t forget to look for the entire family in a city directory. In this small town the others were easy to see, but in an urban area it wouldn’t have been so obvious that the wife and children were living in a separate location.
Using Online City and Regional Directories 23 June 2015–7:00 pm Central Standard Time   This session will provide an overview of city and regional directories that are online, discussing fee-based sites, free sites, search strategies to find online directories, and search strategies for using online copies of city directories. Several case studies involving specific directories and specific individuals will be discussed as well–with cases be representative of a variety of locations and individuals Register for Using Online Directories for $7. Bounty Land, Preemptions, Cash Sales and Homesteads: Federal Land Records 25 June 2015–7:00 pm Central Standard Time Ever wondered about federal land records–what they are, how they are searched, and what they can tell you about your ancestor? We will look at Bounty Land  applications, preemption claims, cash sales, […]
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